Stream 2: Boost Your Business
Access a $15,000 government grant for analysis and planning. Discover digitization and technology strategies to advance your business. Implement them with a $100,000* no-interest loan and multiple $7,300 wage subsidies.
Evaluate problems and discover opportunities. Learn how your business can grow with a custom Canada Digital Adoption Plan.
Harness the abilities of the next generation. Hire young adults to implement your Canada Digital Adoption Plan.
Implement your Canada Digital Adoption Plan. Get the Hardware, Software, Training, and Skillset your business needs.
On February 19, 2024; the government closed the CDAP program almost two years early with 43 hours notice over a weekend. Applications are shut down, but if you've already finished your application, you can still complete the program. Book a call to find out how:
Successful companies are advancing their Digital Adoption. Here's why:
more likely to experience revenue growth
more profitable than less digital peers.
revenue growth for small businesses in future digital transformation over competitors without digital efforts.
of leaders say technology is very important to retaining competitive advantage.
What's Covered
Your business will be analyzed top-to-bottom to find the most effective areas where digitization can improve your profits, efficiency, costs, etc. We'll look at everything, including:
Easy and clear communication between your staff, and between your customers and company, can build strong relationships and improve efficiency and precision.
Work that is repeatable should be carried out by automation or AI, freeing up your employee's time to grow and develop new products and business.
A strong brand makes for loyal clients, and draws in new ones if it shared effectively
Are you vulnerable to ransomware, malware, or hackers?
Employees can be just as effective in the office, at home, or in a hotel. Remote work expands your hiring pool from your municipality to the world.
Systems need to survive failures, lockdowns, natural disasters, protests, and mistakes.
There are certain requirements to qualify for the CDAP. The main ones are:
or more Gross Revenue in one of 3 previous tax years. Not more than $100mm
or more hours of payroll in an average week
Canadian-Controlled For-profit Corporation or Sole Properietorship
or less Employees
Four simple stages to Boost Your Business.
Work with our consultants to apply to the CDAP program, which will provide up to $15,000 to cover 90% of the costs of producing a Digital Adoption Plan.
Our consultants will work with you and your business to evaluate your current state of technology, identify the best opportunities for digitzation to improve your business, and share all of this in a Canadian Digital Adoption Plan.
*The BDC will provide a $100,000 interest-free loan to implement the recommendations in the CDAP, with no payments for the first year and then payments over the following 5 years. Business with revenue less than $5mm will receive a $50,000 loan.
We will work to implement the software, hardware, training, and processes necessary to Boost Your Business!
We love our clients, and we're honoured to be able to share some of their words with you
meet our Team
Our rockstars include Senior Engineers, Phds, AI Experts, Data Ethicists, MBAs, Deloitte Alumni, etc.
President & Founder
Digital Advisor
Digital Advsisor
Digital Advisor
Book a call above or send a message below and let's launch your business into its next technology evolution.